Wonderful CLIENTS


SARA Roberts

I have been training with Abbie for approximately 3 years, since having my daughter in 2017. I went to see Abbie after hearing about her new business venture and have not looked back since.

I can’t recommend Strongmum Training Highly enough!

Following the birth of my daughter, I had a specific goal which was to drop a dress size and feel amazing in my bridesmaid dress for my sister’s wedding. I had 5 months to take control of my situation before the big day arrived and being someone who has never really enjoyed going to the gym, or look forward to exercise, to say I was apprehensive was an understatement. From the first session I had with Abbie, I felt comfortable, motivated and completely in control of my own journey. Every session I felt more confident, fitter and stronger and as a new mum, I couldn’t have asked for anything more. By the time the wedding came around, not only had I dropped the dress size but I actually had to have my dress taken in twice- it felt incredible!

To this day, even when I lack motivation, I still come away from each session feeling stronger and more focused.

I am currently 35 weeks pregnant and have continued to train with Abbie throughout (even during the pandemic! via zoom) in order to maintain my strength and keep a focus on my wellbeing before baby no2 arrives. I am already looking forward to what I can achieve following this pregnancy!



I started with Abbie at 32 weeks pregnant and I wish I had found her sooner! She helped me realise just how strong I am and how much I can push myself in pregnancy, as I was very nervous about doing any sort of exercise as I didn’t know how far to push myself. With her positive attitude and constant encouragement, I have not only prepared my body for labour in the 4 weeks she has been training me, but my self-belief has soared and I have released I can do anything I put my mind to.

Thank you, Abbie, for helping me believe in myself and for pushing me further than I realised I could go. I can’t wait to continue once the baby has arrived!



I can strongly recommend Abbie’s Strongmum classes. Although I used to be pretty active before having children (6 and 2 ½), I had struggled to get back into exercise after having my second, partly due to having been left with a weak pelvic floor and diastasis recti, and had been steadily gaining weight.

I started attending classes in October, and I really trusted Abbie from the start. She is so knowledgeable about post-pregnancy exercise and she adapted exercises for me and ensured I wasn’t doing anything that would make matters worse.

It’s brilliant being able to take the little one along, and know that it doesn’t matter if they are noisy/messy/chaotic!

Having started exercising again with Abbie, I finally felt confident enough to set some weight loss and exercise targets. In the new year Abbie helped me set some sensible goals and has really helped me to achieve them including by providing nutrition advice, extra exercises and

stretches, training guidance and, perhaps most importantly, moral support and encouragement!

Since starting with Abbie I have lost just over one and a half stone, massively improved my diastasis recti and am running regularly - even managing 10km hill runs. I am certain I wouldn’t have done this without the classes and the support and I’m so grateful to her for all of it.

I also love that Abbie has managed to carry on with Strongmum through the lockdown, with brilliant, if slightly brutal, virtual sessions!



When I first started Strongmum training I was 6 months postpartum from my second baby. I was at my heaviest and my most unhealthy I have ever been, I was so anxious to go to any exercise class because I was worried I couldn’t keep up or I’d embarrass myself by just flat out not being able to do it. 

Abbie has been so helpful, every class she gives multiple options for different fitness levels and great advice on nutrition and posture. I have noticed such a difference already and I’m so grateful to have found such a supportive class.



I never realised how effective and powerful these bands were in creating definition until I joined strong mum training. I’ve seen great results in my both my glutes and abs! 




I'm here to guide you through whatever chapter of motherhood you are at and help you on your journey to making yourself feel amazing again in mind & body. 

Work with me to access my experience, knowledge and coaching expertise so that you can get on the fast-track to a healthier and more confident lifestyle!