Meet strong mum - Abbie


Hi I’m Abbie

I entered the transformational world of health and fitness in my late twenties and went from obese & depressed to strong & confident. Little did I realise that the transition to 'mum life' would put me back on a similar journey. This is what babies have a tendency of doing - coming along and turning your world upside down. Us mummies love these little people so much you almost forget to love yourself as much.

One of my main priorities as a new mum was getting back into shape, but unfortunately, this didn't go as planned. Eventually, I gave up even trying, went with the demands of a growing baby and began to pile on even more weight, losing the years of strength and fitness I had built. It was tough finding the motivation to train with a small child hanging off my leg, and similarly trying to make his food, and avoiding nutrition-less snacking because I was running so low on energy. 

For anyone who can relate, this is a slippery road, and it is so tough to break bad habits when you are looking after children.

This is why I created Strongmum training. 

I was a qualified Personal trainer & Pilates instructor, equipped with so many tools available to help myself and others, I just need to get out of a rut!

I knew that I couldn't be the only woman who was desperate to get fit or get back to a previous place of strength, but needed the motivation to actually do it; in a non-judgemental environment, with other women going through exactly the same thing as them!

My journey to get back to where I want to be physically continues, but that is the beauty of Training - it is a continuum you can use to your advantage to set new goals and feel amazing when you hit them!


I want to provide mums like you the ability to train safely, ensuring any abdominal separation (diastasis recti) and pelvic floor weakness is restored progressively - in a non-judgemental and relaxed environment. 

Whichever chapter you may be on in your story as a mum, I am here to help you rebuild every element of strength you have!

I truly believe strength starts within – mentally & physically. Strongmum Training will help you to discover the strongest version of yourself!




My mission is to help you build strength in every way so you can start feeling strong and sexy again! I can motivate and inspire you to make you see that you can accomplish anything you put your mind to! 

I work tirelessly to be the best women's mindset & wellness coach in Wales. I promise to deliver my craft to the highest level. I continuously work to improve myself to help women like you to do the same!


Since starting with Abbie I have lost just over one and a half stone, massively improved my diastasis recti, and am running regularly - even managing 10km hill runs. I am certain I wouldn't have done this without the classes and the support and I'm so grateful to her for everything I've been able to achieve!

- Catrin


How will we achieve AMAZING results? 


Increase your fitness levels and endurance


Using High-Intensity Interval Training, Pilates, and Resistance Training you will increase your fitness levels and endurance, so you will never have to worry about not being able to keep up with your little ones!

Train for stress-relief


'Stress relief training' is a fantastic way to exert built-up tension that we inevitably feel as a mum. You will leave your session feeling de-stressed and accomplished, especially when you make new 'personal bests'!

Become a positive influence


Most women start to challenge themselves in other areas of life when they experience the newfound confidence that Training brings to their life. You will also become an even more positive influence on your children as kids learn to do what they see.

Understand yourself better


Physical Training teaches you so much about your mind, as little do people realise – it's the mind that pushes you through the last few reps in your last sets. The poignant ones that cause massive changes to your physique becoming more lean and toned.


Are you ready to embrace your inner Super-Strongmum?

I will help you to gain a newfound strength so you can wear that S on your chest daily! 

I base my success on feedback from clients and their results. HERE IS WHAT SOME OF MY CLIENTS HAVE SAID ABOUT STRONG MUM TRAINING:


My promise to you

I will always be tough enough to ensure you get your best results while encouraging you to listen to your ever-changing body and energy levels. 




I'm here to guide you through whatever chapter of motherhood you are at and help you on your journey to making yourself feel amazing again in mind & body. 

Work with me to access my experience, knowledge and coaching expertise so that you can get on the fast-track to a healthier and more confident lifestyle! 



 strong mum blog

Helpful tips and advice to help you in your pre and postnatal health & fitness journey!