Can I attend the class as soon as the baby is born?

No you must have been signed off by your Health visitor before resuming physical activity.

Is the class suitable for mum’s with diastasis recti (abdominal separation)

YES! Every exercise has a modification to make it suitable for D.R. However, there will be some instances where I will advise you to seek medical referral to a Physiotherapist.

What happens during half term?

Nothing changes, but you can bring along any other children who are on half term.

What happens during bank holiday?

The Rivermead Centre closes, but a Zoom session will be available instead!

What if I can no longer attend classes?

You should notify me and cancel your standing order, I will calculate the remaining payment and refund you within 28 working days.

Are there Baby-Changing facilities?


What if I’m still breastfeeding?

There are several mums who are attending classes and breastfeeding. Some may simply sit down on the met and feed, but there is a small room near to the hall where you can have privacy to feed.

How difficult are the classes?

They are suitable for all fitness levels & strengths, so you can join as soon as the health visitor or GP has cleared you to exercise.

What if my baby/child is older?

The babies & toddlers who attend range up to pre-school age.